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What does LEVEL UP really insinuate

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

I overheard a  panel of women revisiting the topic “Level Up”. OK, we all have heard Ciara’s take on this topic.  She got such a backlash that she came back to expound and apologized to people that may have been insulted. She talked about being treated badly but also trying to fit in while being anxious to be in a relationship. Make sure your stuff is together vs being needy, and dependent on a man.

There are pros and cons and these are my take views. She was coming from a place of hurt she’d experienced in her prior relationship. She felt she had been betrayed followed by the title of a woman scorned. Having that as a reputation can be a heavy title. Come on we all witness this being played out in music videos. She is an excellent singer but her dance moves are strenuous for most of us, to say the least as she appears to make it effortless. I applaud her!!!

She goes on to say while in the valley, she turned to Jesus. She found her strength, her joy, and her worth. Then while on her road to redemption, WAALA…here comes a new man, the new love of her life. I can understand that being platonic vs rushing in to air on the side of caution this time. You learn from your mistakes or at least you’ll be destined to repeat them again. Once a person finds their worth it’s hard for someone to berate or just give them your power. You know better therefore you do better and you are a STAR too!! It’s a wonderful thing to take a chance on love again, some people would’ve disconnected and become an opportunist vs genuine. Thus wearing poison on their sleeve.   The opposition being telling other women how to attract a man can be very uneasy. Now it appears that you are a know it and your act is on the A list. That other should adhere to your got it going now seminar. Level-up is brutal but sometimes the truth hurt especially if you’re drawing blanks in the dating game.  She was actually telling women to know their self-worth. Get into yourself not be selfish or so self-absorbed that a man doesn’t stand a chance because there simply isn’t enough room. The fact is NOT ALL WOMEN ARE SEEKING A BOAZ, Some women are Pharrell HAPPY being single, independent, and very confident. So NO, there’s no need to level up. Then contradiction came about when women asked the question as to why women have to level up, what about the man? Why should we have to have a checklist for us? Shouldn’t we have a checklist for men? How about the fact everything isn’t for everybody!!!

I conclude to say …independent, engaged, single forever, married, divorced, and or widow, be happy, love yourself, and know your worth, love shouldn’t hurt but doesn’t mean you’ll be exempt from some type of pain. We as women should uplift each other, respect our individual views and if it doesn’t apply to you then don’t eat the words. Should you venture out to seek your Boaz, a checklist wouldn’t hurt but Ruth didn’t go looking for Boaz, he actually found her. Comprising, communication as well as good listening, respect, and lots of prayers because you will be tested.  Learn not to take everything so personally and laughter helps  but most of ALL LOVE, LOVE, AND LOVE AGAIN

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