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Take Time..YOU Matter


Updated: Nov 3, 2022

Have you heard the saying "my how time flies".....Well, it's true!! Thinking back when life was rudimentary we didn't know how good we had it. The normal work days were from Monday to Friday and most only had one job. You had time for family and friends. The church was a priority on Sunday mornings. The biggest breakfast was Saturday and the biggest dinners were on Sundays. You ate right...wait what is right..I was brought up on you couldn't leave the table until you ate ALL of your food. But our food was much healthier. We didn't do a lot of processed food. Only home-cooked meals and splurged once a week for pizza, cheese steak subs, or Chinese food. We watched TV together but mainly family time included much talk time too. Lots of conversations.

We also had time to go outside to play. We were very active from playing ball, and skating to washing steps, washing cars, and sweeping the front of the hula hoop.

Did you ever notice how the years come and gone and so much has changed? Like no one has the same work schedule. Nowadays most work multiple jobs to have multiple incomes and longer hours. Less time for prepping home cook meals more time means more money spent on processed foods, Of course, people came up with this outing after work & its glamorous name is called happy hour which use to be known as dinner time. Now we aren't as active cause we've swapped TV for laptops & desktops clogging our brains by the constant search of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, zoom, Twitter podcast and twitch just to name a few. Just a clue my next blog will be about generation X, Y & Z. We can watch TV, cable, stream Netflix, Disney, and Hulu, or get the Firestick. We have become couch potatoes and the commercials don't help have you ever heard ....have a snack and come on back,,, YEP you got it!!! Some of us come prepared with a tray of goodies, ice cream, chips, subs, sodas, wine, etc carbs, sodium & sweets. So much for being active cause you know you're gonna watch a couple of hours of TV, or be on IG live, IG OR FB for a few hours...daily!! Remember when I said we weren't able to leave the table until you ate your entire plate? You know that ain't the thing now nor is it cute and you're possibly paying for eating like that your entire life! Health issues. I have now changed my whole way of eating to avoid stomach pain & vomiting along with severe constipation I eat vegan mainly though I am not a vegan I do eat both poultry & seafood. Cut out sugar, caffeine, bread, cakes, and ice cream. Yes..... all the good stuff. My H2o increase is through the roof though. If not then door number two would be medz...y'all no I don't do medz ..natural & holistic for me. They say if you continue to eat everything you want then you'll possibly be eating your meds for meals later in life.

So here's the surprise you look up and realize time has caught up. A lot has changed. You have some insecurities you are working on and are still insensitive to some things. Like life has happened. The roller coaster ride you loved as a child well now you're at the top ....all down hill from now if you listen to the negative chatter. You are now realizing the quarter of life you are in and you need to get some things on that bucket list checked. Well, hopefully, your list includes checkups and proper up-to-date medication and life insurance. But father time will have you analyzing your life daily. For instance, I realized I'd love to sleep in until 10 am possibly 11 am this would make me so happy. I realize going to bed early promotes a better attitude the next day thus meaning I am going to be productive. IT'S A WIN-WIN (job & me) I have come to realize if I cut off ALL of my gadgets cell, laptops and tv then light candles and begin to meditate or read scriptures and pray this all brings over a calming spirit and you do know I have an hour glass in front of me this keeps me on task. Like SIT STILL, I have decreased my coffee intake as they continue to enhance the flavor of both coffee & I cry WHY now. I make it a point to exercise mainly because it works!! That's it. No song or No dance NO fluff. Once I realized when I work out I feel motivated to get stuff done, the very things I put off. My mind and soul connect so I feel good all over. My energy level is great so that's how I have the ability to cut down on caffeine that I use to fuel for boost. Meditating and Yoga became my way of dealing with grief. You know they say grief mirrors depression. I'd say get clinically diagnosed before self-diagnosing. I use Mindful communicating, being still, and silence is golden, I incorporated breathing techniques to assist with my anxiety, I used to hate the treadmill but now that I have been educated on a new way of utilizing it ... I use it for my good. My self-care not only includes journaling and adding a green plant for vibing but modifying the wall colors in my house. Like my bedroom always had loud bold colors with polka dots & stripes on my bed/ comforter and curtains and the dining room was red all red. I loved it but once I modified all one color of light neutrals shades of cream with all cream color sheets/comforter and cream color walls. I embraced it!!! Now both my husband and I Take Time daily to exercise and have breathing sessions along with implementing Yoga to assist with balance, and gratitude and to tune up my mental in alignment with my emotions. Juice for breakfast, including probiotics and prebiotics, and a healthy dinner mainly grilled or broiled food. Awww and of course Hydration...Yes, I miss coffee but I don't miss the sudden pain.

Until next time...TAKE TIME

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