Ok, are you guys alright now that the election debacle is over!!! Either way c’mon, SOMEBODY’S going to complain. Be of good cheer, you can now redirect your focus on that list of things that need to be completed but procrastinated. Yes, let’s visit that spirit of delay, defer…Oh, I’ll just get to that later, you run by it, push it in a closet, shut the door on it, or pile stuff on top of it!!! Have no fear, Jesus is near and has given us a word in 1st Thessalonians 2nd chapter vs 18.
Time is our biggest commodity therefore, I implore you to please stop taking time, things, and people for granted!!! This election was a show stopper, slowing everyone down, side view action packed combustion, full of debates, slandering of characters, berating each other, devaluing, mud-slinging, down to the point they used Mr. & Mrs. Carter aka Jay Z & Beyoncé.. power couple, power images to the world main streaming to catch the eyes of the younger audience. You mean that was your go-to song to express the importance of voting. Yes, I know some would debate it as …just for show..my response would be for sure it’s an oxymoron.. certainly, they want the BEST for their child. Pick the image wisely, this is our future!!! Be careful, you MILLENNIALS!! We want your votes. It's your right to vote.
Now that the election remorse is fizzling…take time to meditate, pray, whisper a prayer, and song of praise. Be Thankful because as you can be certain TIME is not on our side, it’s winding down, streets NEVER were safe but look at them now. Overflowing with the mixture of hate, jealousy, envy, greed, murder, lies, LIES, LIES, CONFUSION, YELLING, NO one is LISTENING, anger bitterness, backbiting, a new religion, the new normal all ingredients sent from satan, himself in a timely matter. What is the new normal anyway… acceptance, turning away from what you should stand up for??? Well, I pray that in this you remember that Jesus said LOVE NEVER FAILS…1st Corinthians 13:8 Remember the ingredients of LOVE, demonstrating by actions, HUGS SOMEONE, say HELLO to someone, ask someone if YOU may HELP, Call someone on the phone ..DO NOT TEXT!!!, SEND a card, Pray for and with someone, VISIT someone, Smile at people. Stop taking TIME for GRANTED. Tomorrow isn’t promised and when we look back all we have are memories. Remember how time used to be, a lot friendlier and kinder than today. Somehow, sad to say ..we have dropped the ball, we stopped caring. I pray for peace. Blessings to all and be of good cheer…remember Jesus is still in the BLESSING BUSINESS EYE’S HAVEN’T SEEN EARS HAVEN’T HEARD 1st Corinthians 2:9