Greetings! Missed you all and I pray everyone is in a good place. Can you believe summer is almost over……where did the time go. Six months gone by and six more to go until we’ll be entering into 2015.
I hope you complete some things on your I am going to do list. I pray there’s one or two things if not more that speaks solely to you! Do something that makes you happy, pamper yourself, me day. And it’s not being selfish, it’s self preservation. You can’t be of any use to others if your no good to yourself, full of toxins, overload, weariness and preoccupied of mainly weights!!! Yes, weights, things that are holding you down unnecessarily.
Here’s the formula, is the glass half empty or half full? Answer: you are full of life, live it, no more existing, free your mind, take off blinders, peel off layers of I need to, I can’t do, I’m trying to, and please drop the weights. Just do it, no such thing of I’m trying, ” Do it or Not, never try.” The glass is half empty because it’s a reflection of your life, mirror image, fill it to the brim, stop putting it off until tomorrow because surprise…it’s not promised. You have so much more life to live, YOU ARE A TALL GLASS OF LIFE!!!!! Hebrews 11