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Feeling great with the skin I'm in


How you feel about yourself is a big thing. How you treat your skin is priority number one. It would be best if you had a regiment in the morning or night. Before you think of the outer appearance let's take a minute to discuss what's going on in the inner. Don't even apply any makeup...let's go with a blank canvas then you can go forward to paint your picture, your face.

The inner self has feelings. How you show up with all your hidden insecurities and flaws. When you look in the mirror, it reveals some things such as imperfections like wrinkles, dark circles, and spots pumps, sagging skin or firmness may be acne. Do you start by cleansing, moisturizing, and sunscreen? Do you use a roller ball or message using your fingers starting from your throat and then going in upward strokes? Or do you just wash and go? Do you use your favorite products or just soap and water? How much water are you drinking and how much sleep are you getting? All of these make a difference in the outer skin's appearance. You can control this by making time for sleep, staying hydrated, and creating a regimen for skin care. It makes you feel good too. Everyone would want optimum skin I'd think. Then you go forward with the makeup..the task of applications to your face such as eyeliners, mascara, concealers, foundations, bronzers, blush, eyebrow pencils, and lipstick. lipgloss, and mist sprays, just to name a few.

Now let's talk about the outer that we can't control. The color of your skin. You see it wasn't when I began school or later in life once I got a job that I started looking at the color of my skin differently. It actually was my family mainly my parents ..they'd shout stay out of the sun, you're gonna get dark, etc. Those remarks got my mind churning entertaining thoughts such as aren't I already dark? What;s wrong with being dark? Especially being the oldest of 3 children my other sibling being of lighter complexion. I never really paid attention because my parents treated us all the same amount of love and affection no favorites. I would wonder if it's just me only in my mind or does all of us feel the impact of what being dark-skinned implied, like is it a bad thing and if so what's so bad about it? Take for instance once I grew older my lighter skin friends and relatives and once I got a job I noticed my lighter-skinned or white coworkers all had something in common, they'd all either go out to soak up some sun or go to suntan parlor. That's altering your skin tone clearly getting darker, So why is it a good thing if they can soak up sun as opposed to it being a negative if I chose to play in the sun or just be in the sun? Oxymoron undertone to me. I often think my parents weren't aware of the red flag they created but truly they meant nothing by it. It was possibly one of those passed down the generation sold sayings. Cause believe me they never shouted you are going to a heat stroke or don't forget your sunscreen.

You see I always loved my skin tone and never had insecurities. Number one reason as stated my parents would often shower us with lots of affection and always reinforced to me your brown is beautiful. My father would ingrain this in my head he said so when a guy would say it to me I can't be manipulated as if I haven't ever heard it before.

As I grew older I also noticed as the seasons change so would my skin tone meaning igot darker, My hue and my skin were vibrant, especially the way the sweat would glisten on my skin. My complexion is darker in warmer seasons than that in the colder seasons, I wanted it to be warm all year long. I also found out in my older years that my skin being of darker complexion didn't wrinkle as my friends or relatives of lighter complexion..I think it was an old saying the darker the berry the sweeter the juice, Who knew? I admire all shades no competition here. I applaud women of every shade because we all should uplift one another and we all have stories of our skin. The pros and cons are just like our hair but that's another topic. Believe me all light-skinned or white don't have it easy as we think.

I knew this was my black girl magic. And that it was beautiful. Not to be vain but proud to be in my skin. No validation needed Sun or NO SUN. I didn't have to worry about looking pale, sun tan lotion, or going to the sun tan parlor my black was all-natural all year round. And I woke up this.

So here's what I can control... how I take care of my skin and how I feel about my skin. Kudos to songs that are relatable songs as Brown skin, Brown skin girl, and Beauty's only skin deep, yeah yeah, yeah, I'm black and I'm proud... just to name a few. You see people of melanin come in various shades. That beautiful. Be confident in your skin inside out what you think matters and I pray that you're not seeking validation the physical may fade that's why it's very important to implement a self-care regimen. It plays an important role but inner beauty will shine. Embrace and love yourself. Nobody is you because you are unique and phenomenally created. So get in where you fit in, and love your skin because beauty is power. Until the next blog... thank you for reading. Much Love

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