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One of the biggest myths is the one about independent women who like to be the leader in a marriage. Just because a woman has a great job making mucho dollars, phat car, her own place, her own bank account, her own credit cards, her own cell phone and pays her own bills doesn't spell men aren't wanted. Women need just like men. But being vulnerable is another slice of the pie. You have gold diggers and goal-getters. Just because women bought the table doesn't mean they will not share. Women have to work twice as hard to get to the top. Women have to tolerate a lot of mud-slinging from both genders, she thinks she's all that haters, you have to come to me to get that hater, I remember when she was a hater and who did she sleep with to get that hater? All sorts of hateration but it never stops her. Endurance and faith are key factors. You learn to trust your own intuition. You think it, dream it, envision yourself getting it, and with a lot of discipline and sacrifices you got it!! Now, it's time to relax and enjoy yourself, you mingle and all the plans you made are rearranged because you thinking along the lines of we versus me, I or myself!! The saga begins. You now feel soft around the edges enough to allow someone into your space and they want to be authoritative, so you think but come on now, we all want a man that can take charge. I don't want to have to tell you how to do EVERYTHING, so we say! What do you want to do today, where do want to go this weekend, what do you want to eat, maybe you can cook, how bout you go to the market and surprise me by prepping breakfast or dinner? The list can go on..we are so in love we will watch anything our man watch then when we feel taken for granted...I'm NOT watching that, I never did like it attitude comes out!! How about this theory, women allow the man to make so many decisions he now thinks he is the only one with a BRAIN!! Or you may have the zuul woman that has to check on everything you do because she's a gatekeeper, nothing goes past her which can sometimes make the man say, well do it yourself or you're not my mother, please back off. Whichever the scenario, hopeless romantic, head over heels
I got my eye on you, WOMEN have a voice and because we are vulnerable doesn't equate to being weak. If women make big bacon then that's a positive, appreciate it and applaud her because that is an accomplishment. Know how to handle strong independent women instead feeling intimidated. Learn her love language, you'd be surprised by the advantage one has with this!! It's being attentive and staying engaged. People say that once the fire dies that's it, no it's like with anything job or car, you must enhance all the stages of a relationship. All women want to be loved and appreciated and know that they are the apple of your eye. Trust is something a man earns, communication is key, and sometimes listening is the best resource. Writing down your pros and cons can be very helpful and a time saver. In this world of tech-savvy people, social media appears to be the front line of communication. Put the phone down long enough to have eye contact, see if the chemistry is there, and date outside of each other's places, in the beginning, to get on neutral grounds. You may not have the same taste in a lot of areas and then again opposites attract. If at first, you don't succeed, try again. Don't stop dating because the last one didn't work, you must get out there. Labeling strong independent women as dangerous, stuck up, and insecure is bad publicity however if women who do self-care, self-love, and self-esteem, and empowered on their journey of exploring their freedom to be creative, and inspiring while evolving versus staying stuck because of untold heartbreaks, being vulnerable, experienced rejection, felt neglected, a few disappointments even, some have been in such a painful place but because they refuse to stay stuck like ducks they rather spread the wings to soar like an eagle man sometimes misunderstand the embracing their stripes of being in the trenches and renewed strength of seeing themselves as victorious QUEENS, nobodies fool, a place of acceptance rather rejection/neglect, no longer begging for attention but making her own decisions and pardon me if we no longer ask if we are permitted to think for ourselves or do we have YOUR permission to move about!! Now we have arrived we must hear this commotion about ..WOMEN WANT TO LEAD RELATIONSHIPS or does she want to be lead!!! The FACT is women LOVE just like MEN and want to be treated with integrity and honesty, gently, and as a LONG TERM investment...We don't have to LEAD but we are LEADERS!!!