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Updated: Dec 4, 2020

Thank you Ella Mai  for the smash hit.  Both lyrics and vocals are astounding.   Yes, representing London I might add!!!  Funny how love makes us women feel, breathless, the touch of our skin make us have an outer body experience and the sun shines even on a cloudy day or like Beyonce’ sings, you feel the wind whipping pass my face & lips taste like a night of champagne!!!  These are just a few example of feelings we express  when we are boo’d  up but like she sings until she finds something NEW!!!  Honesty, you got to love it.

I have discovered as I’ve gotten older, my BOO is TV….YES, the box everyone tells you to avoid.  So many reality shows,fashion, Nikki Chu is my girl, Uncommon James with her artesian jewelry, DIY and let’s not forget cooking shows because I am all about healthy eating even though 75% of the time I don’t…I have been bitten by the CARB monster.  Not to mention when you’re menopausal insomnia tags you. Sleepless nights warrant remote in hand.

I can think of a million things to do, okay maybe not a million but I make a list of TO DO’S at work but when I get home and nada  ….nothing at all!!! Failed again to complete my list or accomplish something. I realize actions equals movement. I realize artificial intelligence is running rapid. Has anyone seen the Hanes commercial with the kangaroo jumping out of the pouch in comparison to men penis staying in the pocket of the underwear and NO…get this if a man smokes there is a commercial just for you called Little Dick….YES IMAGINE, cigarettes gives men ED too!!! This is what woke me up. Don’t get me wrong, I love watching my gospel sermons… TD Jakes always have sermon orchestrated just for me. Topics about fear, beginning something and completing it, living on purpose, keeping your mouth SHUT,demons on your job and your boss the aka the devil..don’t worry Jesus will get em, Ephesian 5 and 6, overspending not tithing,etc. If not that, then my girlfriends call to discuss hot flashes, gaining weight and the one that is my pet peeve…what are you cooking cause I just made of pot of  BLAH, bLAH, bLAH…I don’t CARE!!!

I have come to realization I used to have a FUN life but  peace is my comfort, I need it. I love the sunshine but the rain is my new friend. It makes me become creative even if I am sitting still which I am learning to adopt to this regiment…really,sit still listen to the raindrops pretty soon you meditate then become grateful. All the other stuff are temporary boo’s. I am glad that JESUS is my BOO.  I feel sorry for the guy Ella Mai is singing about because the moment he stop causing her anxiety and the feeling he grants her doesn’t make her high or breathless anymore…let’s just say TYRONE possibly may be getting a call…you know Eryakah Badu’s man!! Relationships are funny and hard work. Key is persistent,consistent, patience, silence but know when to speak and when to reserve the right avoid ignorance, you don’t always have to have the last word( still working on that one) give compliments, engage …Jesus gave us the blueprint, the fruits…long suffering, love, joy, peace, kindness,self it  GALATION 5:22-23

I can remember feeling BOO’D UP in my younger years and as you get older in the friend zone or companionship I like to call it, you realize some one must call the shots in being Boo’d  up to keep it flaming hot and that takes a lot and some of the players are in the let’s say the time out corner for reasons  we need not discuss but let your mind wander..age is more than just a #. Being just a friend sounds not so bad after all. Eventually love will prevail if it’s real, keep it 100 and stay grounded and call Jesus on the mainline for advice. In all sincerity I am Pharrell Happy for this young lady.  Who or What’s got you Boo’d up?

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